Excursion Forest and Dunes  - Tourist Information

Excursion Forest and Dunes

During the Forest and Dunes excursion you will visit two types of landscapes, namely the 'kwekerijbos' and dune reserve 'hagendoornveld' (hawthorn field).

You will be confronted with the flora and fauna extentively. Sometimes in a very special way when it concerns the bloom of the lesser twayblade or the courtship display of the hen harrier above the hawthorn field. Furthermore, the relationship that humans have with this flora and fauna will be discussed, when nature protection as done by 'Staatsbosbeheer' and public conductivity are brought up. You might discover interesting experiences of which you didn't know the existance. 

Please take a look at the activities schedule to see if a Eco safari is planned during your stay, or visit tourist office VVV Ameland.

Tickets are for sale at VVV Ameland, among others. Reserving online or by telephone is not possible at VVV Ameland.

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