Activities and events
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you visit the lighthouse on Ameland?
Yes, the lighthouse is open to visitors.
Look here for more information, the opening hours and the prices.
What is there to do during my stay on Ameland?
Have a look at our calendar or give us a call to find out wich activities take place during your stay. You can also visit one of the Tourist Offices during your stay for a complete week programme.
Which events will take place on Ameland?
Click here for an overview of all events on the island Ameland.
Is kite buggy / beach sailing allowed on Ameland?
Yes, at certain places kite buggying / beach saling is allowed:
The 'college van B&W' points out the following areas where kitebuggying and beach sailing is allowed:
- the north sea area between beach poles 8.200 and 11.300
- the north sea area between beach poles 3 and 4
Source: Municipality of Ameland
Is (kite)surfing allowed on Ameland?
The 'college van B&W' points out the following areas where kitesurfing is allowed::
- On the Wadden Sea on the west side of the ferry dam at Nes within the designated area
- On the North Sea between beach poles 17,400 and 19 (near Buren)
- On the North Sea between beach poles 8,200 and 11,300 (between Ballum and Nes)
- On the North Sea between beach poles 3 and 4 (near Hollum)
Outside the designated North Sea areas, kite surfing is not allowed. Also, the transport of materials required for kite surfing is only allowed between these beach poles. During the winter period (November 1 - March 1), kite surfing is also allowed outside the designated areas, except in areas where kite flying is prohibited.
For more information, check the Dutch website of the municipality of Ameland
Is my car allowed on the beach?
No, this is only allowed for licence-holders.
Where can I find information about mudflat hiking?
On Ameland you will find various organised excursions, such as wadexcursions. Visit Tourist information VVV Ameland for more information on and booking of wadexcursions on Ameland.
Should you wish more information on crossing the mudflats from the mainland to Ameland, please contact one of the mudflat hiking centres, such as "Wadloopcentrum Fryslân" and "Wadlopen Pieterburen" .
Where can I find information about seal expeditions?
Click here for more information about seal expeditions.
When are the demonstrations of the horse-driven life boat?
Click here for the data of the launching of the horse-driven life boat.
Where can I find information about horse riding?
There are a couple of stables on Ameland. You can come here for making a (outdoor) ride. Individually or as a group.
Can I come to Ameland with my own horse?
If you wish to bring your own horse to Ameland, you will have to arrange a place on the ferry for the transport to Ameland. You can do this online or by phone at Wagenborg Passenger service via: 0031 88 103 1000. If you call from the Netherlands you can reach Wagenborg Passenger service on 0900 9238.
Click here for more information on horse stables on Ameland.
Are there special bridle paths on Ameland?
In all forests on Ameland are bridle paths. These are pointed out by signs ('ruiterroute').
Is there a minitiature golf course on Ameland?
Yes, you can play minitiature golf on Ameland. Look here for more information.
Where am I allowed to fish on Ameland?
On Ameland you can go fishing without fishing license at the Wadden Sea and the beach of the North Sea.
For recreational area De Vleyen in Nes (behind the Nature centre) you need a permit of the Nature centre, Strandweg 38, Nes. Tel.number 0519-542737.
For fishing in other water, you will need a fiching pass.
Where can I buy bait and worms for (sea)fishing?
You can buy bait and worms at:
Trout Fisching Pound Ameland
Koeveldsweg 29164XT
Do you need a permit to build a camp fire?
Would you like to light a campfire on the North Sea beach? In view of dry summers, this is unfortunately no longer possible due to environmental aspects and fire safety requirements.
Would you still like to organise a camp fire? Please contact evenementenbureau Ameland Actief, since they have an annual permit from the town of Ameland and are allowed to build camp fires. For €125, you can have a private campfire.
Are there mountainbike tracks on Ameland?
Unfortunately there are no tracks on Ameland that are specific for mountainbikers. Of course you can ride your mountainbike on one of the many cycle tracks on Ameland.
A booklet with cycling tracks and a topographical map of Ameland with all cycle tracks is available at the Tourist Office.
Once a year a MTB event on Ameland is organized.
Where can I play tennis on Ameland?
Are there expositions on Ameland?
You can find all expositions in our Dutch activity- and events calendar.
Is there a cinema on Ameland?
There is no cinema on Ameland.