Beach Ameland - VVV Ameland

Ameland beach

There is always something to do or see on Ameland's beach; whether on a sunny summer day or during an autumn storm, it's still enjoyable!

Long walks on the beach, searching for shells, swimming in the surf, sunbathing, flying kites and horseback riding are just a few of the many possibilities the beach of Ameland offers. 
The beach of Ameland - enjoy it all year round!

Beach pavilions

On the vast beach of Ameland are four beach pavilions. Ideal for a delicious lunch or dinner, a relaxing drink, delicious ice cream, cool drink or to warm up with a hot chocolate with whipped cream after a beach walk. 
Not to mention the beautiful view of Ameland's beach and the North Sea! 

Beachclub The Sunset - VVV Ameland

Beachcub The Sunset

Hollum | At the far western tip of the Wadden Island of Ameland you will find Beachclub The Sunset. This laid back spot is also known as “Ibiza on the North Sea. 

To The Sunset

Strandpaviljoen Ballum - VVV Ameland

Beach pavilion Ballum

Ballum | Prachtig gelegen aan het Groene strand, vlakbij het dorpje Ballum en centraal gelegen aan het fietspad dat door de duinen van Hollum naar Nes loopt.

To beach pavilion Ballum

Strandpaviljoen Sjoerd - VVV Ameland

Beach pavilion Sjoerd

Nes | Beach Pavilion Sjoerd makes a combination of street food, classics and Mediterranean. Sjoerd loves honest, sustainable and local produce.

To Sjoerd


There are various facilities on the beaches and at the beach pavilions; there are showers and toilets and it is possible to borrow a beach wheelchair. Beach chairs and windbreaks can be rented at the beach pavilion in Nes.

Top 10 Beach Activities

Strandexpress - VVV Ameland

Beach rides

Drive a beach bus or tractor and wagon along the beach and enjoy the sea, beach and dunes during the beach ride. More info & tickets

Zwemmen in zee - VVV Ameland

Swimming in the sea

After all, what could be nicer than a cooling dip in the sea! Of course you can, but, keep a few things in mind. After all, the sea does not take you into account.  More about swimming in the sea

Zandkastelen bouwen - VVV Ameland

Building sand castles

Always wanted a castle with moat? Make your dream come true and build it on the beach of Ameland!

Strandjutten - VVV Ameland


Don't forget to bring a bag to the beach! Because although we have one of the cleanest beaches in the Netherlands, it certainly can't hurt to leave the beach a little cleaner than you found it. 

Bos, strand en vuurtorentocht - VVV Ameland

Forest, beach and lighthouse tour

Together with a guide from the Nature Center, a tour is taken through the forest and over the beach. The tour ends with a visit to the lighthouse. More info


Crackling wood, the sound of the sea in the background... A campfire on the beach is the most beautiful way to end your Ameland day together. Would you like a campfire too?  Then take a look here

Strandwandeling - VVV Ameland

Beach Walk

Escape the hustle and bustle, clear your head and enjoy peace, fresh air and sea during a wonderful beach walk.

Strandzeilen en Blokarten - VVV Ameland

Beach Sailing/Blokarting

Blokarting on the beach of Ameland, that's speed, adventure and making use of the elements! More info

Schelpen zoeken - VVV Ameland

Finding shells

Most (rare) shells are found in the Netherlands on the Wadden Sea. Want to know if you found something special? Look in the booklet  Ameland Schelpenrijk (only available in dutch)

Vliegeren - VVV Ameland

Kite Flying

All you need is a kite and wind! Enjoy together (but alone is also possible) while playing sports and playing with the elements.

Beach guard

Safety is considered on the beaches of Ameland, because during the summer months the main beaches (Hollum, Ballum, Nes and Buren) are guarded by the KNRM.

Per beach, the lifeguards keep an eye on approximately 500 meters of beach: 250 meters on either side of the lifeguard post. 

Two KNRM rescue stations
Besides the lifeguards, there are also two Royal Dutch Rescue Organisation (KNRM) rescue stations on Ameland one in Nes and one in Ballum. KNRM rescue station Nes and KNRM rescue station Ballum are ready 24 hours a day to help and rescue people on the water. In case of emergency, call the emergency numbers. KNRM volunteers offer free assistance.

Read more about the Royal Dutch Rescue Organisation (KNRM) here.

Aanwezigheid strandwachten - VVV Ameland

Presence of lifeguards

KNRM lifeguards will guard the beaches at the four beach entrances on the following days:

  • June 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30, 2024
  • July 6 to September 1, 2024 daily
  • September 6, 7, 8, 13 and 14, 2024

The lifeguards will be on the beach on the above dates from 10:00 - 18:00.

Gemeente bord en vlaggen systeem - VVV Ameland

Municipal sign and flag system

At every guarded beach, there is a blue sign at the dune crossing. On it, the Municipality of Ameland explains whether or not activities are allowed on the beach.

You can also tell by the color of the flag how dangerous swimming and bathing is at that moment.

More on the flag system

Badtijden - VVV Ameland

Bathing times


Want to swim or bathe outside the supervised areas? Then stick to the bathing hours:

Swimming in the sea is always at your own risk. Do not bathe at low tide.

Swimming in the sea

If you go on holiday to Ameland, of course you want to swim in the sea, we totally get it! Because what could be finer than a cooling dip in the sea! Of course you can, but keep a few things in mind. After all, the sea does not take you into account. Feel free to swim, but swim consciously!

Check out our tips and advice here. 


Zeevonk - Foto Rafael Martig - VVV Ameland

Sea Spark

Foto: Rafael Martig

Ecologist Lyce Saathof speaking:

You may have walked along the beach on a warm summer evening and seen a luminous glow in the waves. As you walk through the water, your footsteps remain like glitter in the sand. The shore turns into a fairy tale landscape. The magical creature that causes this is sea sparkle, a single-celled alga that can light up. But what exactly is it, why does this alga give off light and when are you most likely to see it?  

Read the entire blog

Watching the sun sink into the sea


Enjoying how the sun sets? Of course you do that on your favorite Wadden Island!

The spectacle of the sun is magical; the stunning colors and the reflection in the sea. Whether you are relaxing on a rug on the beach or in the dunes, or on the terrace of a beach pavilion, it is pure enjoyment!

Beach Hollum
For the most beautiful place on Ameland to watch the sun set, head to the beach at Hollum. 

Enjoyed the sunset? Then cycle the next morning to the other tip of Ameland, namely the nature reserve Het Oerd. Here you can watch the sun rise beautifully from the 24-meter-high Oerdsduin.

Webcam - VVV Ameland

Tip: Webcam

Are you unfortunately not on Ameland but still want to enjoy the beach? Then take a look at one of our webcams! 

With a grain of sand....

Pak je strandtas in - VVV Ameland

Pack your beach bag

What to bring in your beach bag?:

  • sunscreen
  • towel
  • swimwear
  • sunglasses and hat
  • beachwear
  • umbrella or beach tent
  • cooler bag with food & drinks
  • beach toys
  • book or magazine
  • beach chair or rug
  • plastic bag (for your garbage)
Met de hond naar het strand - VVV Ameland

With dog

What could be more fun than taking a walk on the beach with your dog?

Dogs must be leashed at the following beaches:

  • Green Beach Ballum
  • Beach crossing Hollum
  • Beach Nes
  • Beach crossing Buren

On the other beaches dogs are allowed to run loose under a leash.

Taking your dog to Ameland

Strandrolstoelen - VVV Ameland

Beach wheelchairs

On Ameland there are several (beach) wheelchairs that people with disabilities can use. So everyone can enjoy the beach and the sea.

There are different types of beach wheelchairs available:

  • Electric beach wheelchair
  • The Beachcomber
  • The Tiralo

View beach wheelchairs

Op de fiets naar het strand - VVV Ameland

Cycling to the beach

Want to enjoy a day at the beach? Then take a bike or walk to the beach! Because although you can also take the car or bus to the beach, you can park your bike just a little closer to the beach than the car. In other words: enjoy Ameland's golden yellow beach even sooner! And.... sporty, so win - win!

Tip: take a look at the bike rental companies on Ameland and rent a cargo bike, tandem, electric bike!

Rent a bike

Beachcombing & the Beachcomber's Museum

Beachcombing; searching for washed-up objects along the shore. People who beachcomb, also known as beachcombers, collect anything the sea has left on the beach, such as wood, shells, bottles and other interesting objects. 

It seems romantic, but for farmers on ancient Ameland it was a necessity in the constant struggle for survival.

Curious about how people used to live on Ameland and what treasures they all dug up? Then be sure to visit the Agricultural Beachcombing Museum!

Groene Strand Ballum - VVV Ameland

Green Beach

The beach at Ballum used to be the widest beach on Ameland. But changing currents created a sand hook in the North Sea above Ballum in the late 1990s.

Within this sand hook, the slow-flowing water continually deposited a layer of silt and soon glasswort began to grow here. The area became more densely vegetated, dunes formed and the vegetation became more diverse.

More info on this unique area

Getijden - VVV Ameland


At the North Sea beach, the tide is very noticeable. During low tide, the water sinks to its lowest point: low tide. Then comes high tide and the water rises again to the highest point: high tide.

High and low tides alternate every 6 hours. The part of the beach between the high tide line and the low tide line is called the wet beach. The part above the high tide line is called the dry beach.

More info on the Tide

Beach Animals

Especially on the wet beach you can find all kinds of things, such as shells, wood, starfish and even real fossils. There are also many live animals to see such as birds, crabs, shrimps and the somewhat less popular, but certainly beautiful, jellyfish.

We have listed some of the animals for you:

27 kilometers of sand

The beach and dune landscape on Ameland is constantly changing. Ebb and flow, but also the wind (great for kite flying and kite surfing on Ameland!) does its part by letting small piles of sand grow into whole dunes, only to threaten them again during storms. 

Did you know that Wadden Island Ameland has a whopping 27 kilometers of length of sandy beach!  Besides having lots of meters of beach, the beach is also very clean. Ameland has already received several prizes and awards for this.

Prizes and Awards

Schoonste strand - VVV Ameland

Cleanest beach

For many years, Ameland can call itself one of the cleanest beaches in the Netherlands. In 2024, Strand Hollum received no less than a 9.83 from the jury, coming a close second in the Cleanest Beach in the Netherlands election!

More about the Cleanest Beach

Blauwe vlag - VVV Ameland

Blue Flag

The beaches and marina of Ameland have been allowed to fly the Blue Flag for decades: an international award for beaches and marinas that meet very high quality standards in terms of water quality, safety, education and facilities present. 

More about the Blue Flag

Quality Coast Award - VVV Ameland

Quality Coast Award

The QualityCoast Award is a European seal of approval for sustainability of coastal municipalities and is awarded by an international jury to coastal towns that make outstanding efforts in tourism and environmental stewardship. 

More on the Quality coast

Coastal Maintenance

Zandsuppletie - bron: Rijkswaterstaat - VVV Ameland

Sand replenishment

Foto: Rijkswaterstaat

Ameland has a beautiful and special North Sea coast, with sandy beaches and dunes. This coast is our main protection from the sea. However, the coast is constantly wearing out. Rijkswaterstaat therefore occasionally reinforces the coast with sand. They do this using 'sand replenishment'. This involves dredging ships depositing sand from the North Sea on the beach or on the seabed just offshore. This is how they keep the coastline in place. At the moment, no sand replenishment is taking place on Ameland. 

More on sand replenishment

Sometimes you just need a beachday

Strandvakantie - VVV Ameland

Beach vacation

Nothing is nicer than a beach vacation, wonderful in a vacation home near the beach. Because that is the advantage of Ameland: wherever you stay on the island, the beach and the sea are always close by! Do you choose a (beach) camping, luxury vacation home, hotel, vacation park, cozy apartment or bed & breakfast? Everything is possible!

And even better, we have listed all the accommodations for you!

View them here

Demonstratie Paardenreddingboot - VVV Ameland

Demonstration Horse Rescue Boat

During the Horse Rescue Boat demonstration on Ameland, 10 powerful horses pull the boat with thunderous force over the beach and through the surf into the sea. This impressive show shows how drowning people used to be rescued and ships in distress were helped. It recalls times of yore, because nowadays the modern Anna Margaretha sails out of Ameland's harbor at lightning speed in case of emergency.

More about the Horse Rescue Boat

FAQ on Ameland's beach:

Is my car allowed on the beach?

No, this is only allowed for licence-holders.



Is (kite)surfing allowed on Ameland?

The 'college van B&W' points out the following areas where kitesurfing is allowed::

  • On the Wadden Sea on the west side of the ferry dam at Nes within the designated area
  • On the North Sea between beach poles 17,400 and 19 (near Buren)
  • On the North Sea between beach poles 8,200 and 11,300 (between Ballum and Nes)
  • On the North Sea between beach poles 3 and 4 (near Hollum)

Outside the designated North Sea areas, kite surfing is not allowed. Also, the transport of materials required for kite surfing is only allowed between these beach poles. During the winter period (November 1 - March 1), kite surfing is also allowed outside the designated areas, except in areas where kite flying is prohibited.

For more information, check the Dutch website of the municipality of Ameland

Is kite buggy / beach sailing allowed on Ameland?

Yes, at certain places kite buggying / beach saling is allowed:


The 'college van B&W' points out the following areas where kitebuggying and beach sailing is allowed:

  • the north sea area between beach poles 8.200 and 11.300
  • the north sea area between beach poles 3 and 4

Source: Municipality of Ameland

Where am I allowed to fish on Ameland?

On Ameland you can go fishing without fishing license at the Wadden Sea and the beach of the North Sea.

For recreational area De Vleyen in Nes (behind the Nature centre) you need a permit of the Nature centre, Strandweg 38, Nes. Tel.number 0519-542737.

For fishing in other water, you will need a fiching pass.

Am I allowed on the beach with my dog?

Yes, dogs are allowed on the beach. At the monitored sections next to the beach crossings and the "groene strand" (the so-called "green beach") near Ballum dogs need to be on a lead. On the remaining sections of the beach dogs do not need to be leashed, but are expected to be under command.

What (not) to do when you find a seal

Have you found a seal lying on the beach? Please do not approach it, but keep your distance. A seal on the beach is often merely resting. If humans come too close to the seal, it will create a lot of stress for the animal. It should also be noted that seals are predators. They have sharp teeth and can make unexpected moves.

Should you see a seal pup on the beach, please keep good distance. A pup alone on the beach may look sad, but this is not so. 

If you suspect that a seal is injured, please call the animal police, telephone number 144 or Seal centre Pieterburen 0031595-526526, and report the location of the seal (i.e. village beach crossing, number of the nearest beach pole). In such a case, please also refrain from approaching because this causes the sick animal extra stress.

From time to time a dead seal is found on the beach. Should this be the case, please contact the Town of Ameland, telephone number +31 519-555555. They will remove the animal from the beach.

Is there a special beach wheel chair?

Every beach pavilion has a special beach wheel chair. This wheel chair has wider wheels and is therefor very suitable for use on the beach. You cannot book this wheel chair (in advance), but it is for general purpose.

Where can I find the bathing hours of Ameland?

You can find the bathing times of Ameland here.

Are there any guarded beaches on Ameland?

In the months of June, July, August and September, lifeguards guard the bathing beaches of Hollum, Nes and Buren. In June and September, they guard the beaches on weekends, in July and August daily. Check here for the exact dates.

The lifeguards monitor 500 metres of beach: 250 metres on either side of the lifeguard post. If you want to go swimming, keep a close eye on the colours of the flag.

More information

Is there a nude beach on the island Ameland?

According to Ameland city council nude recreation is allowed between beach post 18 and 20 on the beach of Ameland. 

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