Ameland Blue Flag again!
Friday 17 May 2024 - The Amelander beaches and marina have been awarded the Blue Flag for the 37th time. What is new is that from this year, Ballum beach is also a bathing water location again and has received the flag.
Safe and clean beaches
Amelander beaches and the marina are entitled to fly the Blue Flag because they meet the following criteria:
- The swimming water is of excellent quality;
- The beach is kept clean;
- There are enough toilets and bins on the beach;
- There is saving material and a first-aid station on the beach;
- To preserve the natural environment of sea, beach and dunes, informatin activities are being organized.
Ameland Blue Flag again!

Ballum beach receives Blue Flag again after more than 20 years
Alderman Theo Faber handed over the Blue Flag to Fabian Kock, chairman of Dorpsbelang Ballum. ‘This is a boost for Ballum and thus also for Ameland. Very nice that residents, including through Friends of Beach Ballum and the Dorpsbelang, have put so much effort into getting the blue flag back.’
Beach Ballum was not awarded Blue Flag for over 20 years due to natural changes where, in addition to quicksand, a sand hook had formed which created dangerous situations. The gully near the sand hook has receded in recent years and now runs more northwards.
Upon request, the possibilities of awarding a Blue Flag were investigated. Eventually, the Gedeputeerde Staten van Fryslân decided in early 2024 to designate Ballum as a swimming water location. The Blue Flag could then be applied for, so that now for many years the Blue Flag flies again at Ballum beach.

About the Blue Flag
The Blue Flag is an international environmental award, given to beaches and marinas every year in May. Every year, checks are carried out to see whether beaches and marinas still meet the requirements.
The Blue Flag recognises the beach or marina's efforts in environmental and sustainability management, safety, water quality, awareness and education, and waste prevention and sorting.
The Blue Flag is awarded to more than 5,000 beaches and marinas in 50 countries worldwide.
The Netherlands will have 195 Blue Flags by 2023:
- 134 marinas
- 61 beaches (including 7 recreational beaches)