Beach flags -  VVV Ameland

Beach flags

Safety is considered on Ameland's beaches, as during the summer months the main beaches (Hollum, Ballum, Nes and Buren) are monitored by KNRM. Flags indicate whether or not it is safe to go swimming.

Lifeguards have flags at their post(s). These flags are hoisted or placed by lifeguards according to the current situation. They do this to inform and warn bathers, swimmers, water sports enthusiasts and other recreational users of the risks associated with open water (sea and inland water).

Explanation of different beach flags

Strandvlaggen - rood over geel-- VVV Ameland

Red over yellow

Lifeguards present
This flag indicates that the lifeguard station is open and supervised by qualified lifeguards in the lifeguard work area.

Strandvlaggen - gele vlag - VVV Ameland

Yellow flag

Swimming can be dangerous.
Because of strong undercurrents, swimming is not recommended for inexperienced swimmers. Swimming, bathing and other activities on or in the water are not recommended. Swimmers and bathers should be extra careful and vigilant.

Strandvlaggen - rode vlag  - VVV Ameland

Red flag

Do not swim! Very dangerous!
Swimming is very dangerous. Due to very strong currents, swimming is highly discouraged for both experienced and inexperienced swimmers. Bathing and other activities on or in the water are also strongly discouraged.

Learn more about safe swimming

Want more info on how to swim safely? Then watch the KNRM video here:


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