Concert Forza Musica ism Interchurch Choir  - VVV Ameland

Concert Forza Musica ism Interchurch Choir

Thursday 31 July 2025, 20:00
Thursday 14 August 2025, 20:00

Also this year, the Interkerkelijk Zangkoor and Forza Musica will give two summer concerts at the Magnuskerk in Hollum.

The cooperation between these two associations goes back many years and always yields great concerts. The music on these evenings ranges from past to present, and from pop to classical. The Interchurch Choir sings under the direction of Rodney Hol, who is also in charge of the pieces played by Forza Musica.

Dates and times:

  • Thursday 31 July 2025, 20:00
  • Thursday 14 August 2025, 20:00

Location: St Magnus Church, Hollum
Entrance: entrance is free, collection afterwards

Times are subject to change.

Thursday 31 July 2025, 20:00
Thursday 14 August 2025, 20:00

Sint Magnuskerk, Hollum

Oosterlaan 2
9161 AC, Hollum

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