Art Month concert brass band Canite Tuba  - VVV Ameland

Art Month concert brass band Canite Tuba


Once again this year, brass band Canite Tuba will give a number of fun concerts on Ameland.

Canite Tuba is an enthusiastic musical society from Ameland and we play film music, pop music and other fun tunes, among others. Let us surprise you musically! We look forward to seeing you at one of our concerts:

  • 5 November 2024
  • 12 November 2024

Start time: 20:00
Location: St Clemens Church, Nes
Entrance: free, collection afterwards

Times are subject to change.

Art Month concert brass band Canite Tuba

St Clemens Church, Kardinaal de Jongweg 33
9163 HZ, Nes

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