Recipe Stew with mustard and beer - Amelands Produkt - VVV Ameland

Recipe Stew with mustard and beer

Stew with Amelander local produce is delicious! And easy to prepare with this recipe!

Meat from local cattle is slowly simmered in Amelander beer, giving it a fine bitterness. Deliciously prepared with Amelander mustard, a tasty mix of local ingredients!


Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 1200 grams of Amelander beef
  • 3 bottles Amelander dark brown beer*
  • 2 tbsp Amelander mustard
  • 2 slices of brown bread
  • 1 dash of vinegar
  • 2 onions
  • 2 bay leaves
  • butter
  • pepper
  • salt


Recept Stoofvlees met mosterd & bier - Amelands Produkt - VVV Ameland

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Recept Stoofvlees met mosterd & bier - Amelands Produkt - VVV Ameland

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