Forest rules
Group activities in nature
Inevitably, a scavenger hunt, sports activity, or a picnic in the forest will be part of your stay on Ameland. Please be mindful of nature and other forest users, such as hikers and horse riders. If you are planning an activity, please just mention what you plan to do where at "Staatsbosbeheer" (Forest Service).
Rules of the forest
For activities in nature a common set of rules applies which ensures minimal inconvenience to others.
1. No activities on or along horse riding paths.
2. Do not block paths with contraptions and/or ropes.
3. Clean up any materials such as rope, tape, and route indications after your activity a.s.a.p.
4. Do not use nails or screws in trees.
5. Do not use sound amplifiers.
6. No activities after sunset.
7. Do not build a fire.
8. Do not damage any trees or bushes.
Please keep Forest Service informed of activities in nature. That way we can clarify any issues to consider, such as nesting birds or other activities by other groups at the same time. Much is possible when everyone is mindful of each other and the forest.
Planning an activity with your group? Please report it to Forest Service. You can call or drop by, we will be pleased to welcome you at our offices.
Enjoy your play time on Ameland!
Forest rules
Ballumerweg 44
9163 GB, Nes Ameland