WL35 Brakzand
Navigating the Waddensea is a true experience! Almost daily (except in winter) WL35 departs from the harbour in Nes for a tour lasting approximately 2 1/2 hours.
Firstly, we visit the seals. Afterwards we throw out a fishing net in the sea, and after about 15 minutes we bring it in again. We empty the net on board the boat and the crew explains in detail what was caught. A variety of fish, crabs, and seastars will be added to our open aquaria for you to admire, touch and smell! Eventually, the entire catch will be thrown back into the sea alive and well.
The sea lives!
With a dragnet we bring to the surface what the sea hides from us: marine life ranging from little tickling crabs to glassy shrimp. You will have the opportunity to admire these sea creatures up close. Sea life above the surface is perfectly visible from the deck: thousands of sea birds in all shapes and sizes. During low tide you can observe the seals on the sandbanks. Explore the sea with binoculars, inhale the salty sea air and enjoy the sun and tranquility. This adventureous trip is second to none. A true experience!
Our ship, the "WL35 Brakzand" offers many amenities, such as a tasty cup of coffee in our heated indoor area or at the bar with views over the entire wad. You can also find a seat at the panorama deck: you will always find a spot out of the wind. Bathrooms are available on board.
WL35 Brakzand is prominently suitable for day trips (with or without catering), for example a day of sea fishing, a company outing, school trip, or outings with family, friends or other groups.
The ship offers space for up to 125 guests.
Check the activity programme to see if there is a boat trip planned during your stay or drop by VVV Ameland.
Tickets are on sale at VVV Ameland. You can reserve tickets online using the blue buttons. It is not possible to reserve tickets by telephone.
WL35 Brakzand
Oude steiger